ABD LOG iN SAFE PROTECTOR is the innovative worker distancing system to combat COVID-19 in production departments, respecting workers' privacy.
The system, completely "Made in Italy", allows the monitoring of compliance with distances between workers by means of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) TAGs alerting them via vibration or acoustic signaling: this is the simplest operation of the system in the "PROximity deTECTOR" mode where no contact is stored (solution no. 1).
If the distance is not respected for a significant period of time, the TAGs can store the event (the contact) which will then be saved in the internal memory of the tag itself downloadable offline through the appropriate free APP (solution no. 2), or the event can be saved in the Cloud on the LOG iN SAFE platform (solution no. 3) via radio connection to special antennas (gateways) installed in the department; In all three operating modes the contact will always be communicated by sound, vibration or light signal.
In case of positivity among workers, the company will therefore have the opportunity to easily trace (solutions no. 2 and 3), to the significant interactions had with the worker positive for COVID-19, thus being able to isolate only the workers concerned: it will therefore avoid suspending production due to the forced closure of entire departments, thus avoiding disproportionate costs compared to the real danger to the safety of its employees.
Only the distance between operators is monitored and not their position, respecting privacy:
- The identification is completely anonymous in respect of privacy
- Increases the feeling of safety of the worker
- The association between ID tag and user is known only to the company
- Helps educate operators to maintain correct distances
- Reduces the risk of downtime of the entire department/company
- Fully Cloud solution delivered in SAAS (optional)
- The TAGs record the interactions and alert the operator even if there is no antenna coverage
- Easy to install and quick to get up and running
Download here the product presentation brochure in Italian (PDF)
Download here the complete technical guide of the product in Italian (PDF).